Organized On Purpose | Declutter, Home Organization, Home Management, Simple Routines, Biblical Mindset
***Top 5% Globally Ranked Podcast!*** Are you fairly organized but can’t seem to keep your home clean and tidy? Do you have a general plan for your day to day but when it derails it’s hard for you to bounce back? On really overwhelming days do you get overstimulated, snapping at your kids or husband? You’ve tried organizing systems, time blocking or general routines but nothing is sticking? If you shook your head yes to any of these questions, then I am glad you are here! This podcast was created to help busy moms like yourself: - cultivate a healthy God-centered approach to simplification. - strengthen your decluttering and organization skills. - develop easy and manageable home and life routines for this season of life. Hi friend, I’m Kristina Borseti. A Professional Home Organizer, Decluttering Coach, wife, mom, and former collector of all the things. In my pre-decluttered life I held on to broken toys or household items that needed to get fixed (that rarely got fixed), jeans I may one day fit in ”after I lose 10 lbs”, sentimental hand-me downs that felt to hard to part with. My calendar and life were equally as crowded; I said ”yes” to all the events and engagements, and as a newer entrepreneur I struggled with what to put into and prioritize in my time blocks. Forced to make a change, I took a faith-forward approach to decluttering our home, my life and our schedule. Then making small tactical and mental shifts every day to create custom family organization solutions, cleaning and tidy routines and life management systems that work best for me and my family in this season of life. I am here to tell you that you absolutely can have: - a more peaceful home environment. - a less cluttered and more organized life. - a healthier relationship with God, self, family, friends. - more time for those goals on your list like working out, rest, and creating impact. But, hey, we gotta clear all that clutter first! So do me a favor, grab yourself a sharpie and a couple of boxes , and let’s get organized on purpose! Next Steps Join the Decluttering and Organization Made Easy Facebook Group! Join the Newsletter for exclusives, insights, additional tips and hacks:

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Courtney Zentz is Founder of the nation’s leading pediatric sleep consulting agency, Tiny Transitions. A organization born from her own struggles as a new parent. As she stood to build this company and enjoy new motherhood, she was diagnosed with the CDH1 gene.
A mutation of the CDH1 gene meant she was at risk for developing an aggressive form of stomach and breast cancer. Courtney had to make a decision as to what to do with this knowledge, and how it would impact her life.
Courtney’s story is one of hope, interceding on the negative news we often hear on repeat. Courtney shares a raw look behind the scenes of new motherhood and the journey after diagnosis with CDH1. Bringing us up to today, in tune with her “authentic self” and feeling truly connected to her joy.
If you are holding something bigger than you right now and you are not sure what the future looks like, this episode is for you.
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Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
When you are feeling uncertain or concerned or doubtful, how do you realign yourself? How to get you back to solid ground?
In today’s short episode I am sharing how a news headline triggered these unsettling feelings. And how God winked back, by reminding me of the story of Mary, Martha & Jesus.
I am also sharing a question that will help navigate those feelings of uncertainty, concern or doubt in your walk to find health, to find your calling, to find peace, more happiness or more joy.
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Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
As we transition through life, careers, relationships, we can often be found chasing a feeling and looking for validation. How does this translate? A lack of confidence, unmet desires and expectations, a lack of purpose. And this shows up in how we present ourselves to the world, in our behaviors, through our image.
In today’s episode, I am joined by besties, expert image consultants, and owners of Shine Image Consulting, Jaclyn Arcuri and Laura Sweitzer who understand on a very personal level what this feels like.
Sharing their own journey from a combined 35+ years in the corporate arena to where they are today, which serves as inspiration for anyone looking to jump on the entrepreneurial train.
Jaclyn and Laura also share their mission to change how we perceive and obtain an elevation of image. Plus tangible take-a-ways to get you started on your own restyling journey.
And most importantly they teach us that in fact, “leather is a strategy”.
Be prepared to feel the genuine compassion of these two amazing women, to nod your head in unison as we share commonalities, and leave empowered to elevate an image (and confidence) that is truly authentic to you.
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Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Diagnosed at age 10 with a debilitating case of Psoriasis and again at 19 with Psoriatic Arthritis, Chronicon founder and CEO, Nitika Chopra has been living with chronic illness for over 26 years. For the first 15 of her diagnosis she said she felt “overwhelmed with pain, insecurity, confusion and battling depression.”
This is different from the busy entrepreneur, talk show host, beauty care expert and advocate you see today. Today Nitika will tell you that her condition has been her greatest teacher and the life she lives is truly adored and every moment heartfelt.
Nitika lightheartedly takes us through her experience with chronic illness, how she has and is learning about and from her body, expelling life lessons only found when we’ve met some of our darkest moments.
Learn more about Nitika
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Chronicon - May 19th, 2023 in Brooklyn and
Thriving Together Podcast
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Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
We often lean into what other people say as "bible", especially at times in our lives when we are overcome with stress. We just want someone else to tell us what to do in hopes that it will forever fix our dilemma. But life shifts so often that the miracle pill we just swallowed may be a flash in the pan, wearing off and leaving us back where we started. Aka we leaned in so hard that we fall on our face.
This can weigh down on our confidence and the faith in our walk. So, how do we ground ourselves when we don’t have the answers?
This is what I was reaching for when I recently confessed to a group of my gal-pals and confidants that I was feeling lackluster and discontent heading into my big-dreamy-but-intimidating 2023 goals. I found myself working and living from a place of doubt and fear; ruminating and worrying (note to self: see Episode 9). In the depth of my spiral I couldn’t see what was plainly set before me. It was with their well refined “I’ve been there” advice, God’s infinitely amazing timing, and some old school commonsense tools that I came back to myself.
Join me today as I go full stream-of-consciousness, sharing why neither I nor you have all the answers. And you know what? That is a-ok.
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Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
In recent years have you…
…found yourself ripping your spouse/ significant other a new one, only to later feel guilty about it? Or losing your marbles over a messy house, feeling sad for not embracing it? Insert shame spiral, disbelief and self-depreciating thought cycles, ie: “I am a horrible person!”.
Or maybe you are someone who…
…every time you have a pain, ache, cough, etc call your doctor or spend your hours scanning WebMD? Or have crippling anxiety before you fly, even though you’ve only hit minor turbulence? You ruminate, worry and retreat from social scenarios or life appointments for fear sake. Saying things like “the world is an unsafe place”, although you used to live life with interrupted vigor!
Here is the deal ladies - what you are experiencing is in part the hormonal rollercoaster ride your body is on in this stage of life. Some days you’ll feel like fighting dragons with your bare hands and other days you’ll want to shrink into a spec of dust. Some of it you know deep down is manageable, and some times you need more support.
Enter today’s episode. Kristina takes you through a very (very) brief history of emotions, how our emotions manifest in our behavior, and what science says about our “mood disorders”. Learn from psychological study what is happening in our brain when we process thoughts, taken from the study of Cognitive Behavioral Theory, you’ll learn about Adaptive vs. Maladaptive thought patterns, bias and core beliefs. Rounding out the episode with a four step process you can start today that will help you catch your evil twin sister before she can sabotage your positivity parade.
It’s not them, it’s us but we can break the negativity bias by putting in the work.
“Cogito, ergo sum” / “I think therefore I am” - Descartes.
Disclaimer: This show is for educational purposes only. Remember to always consult YOUR healthcare provider for what is best, and advocate for yourself with the information taken from this or any episode.
Get your science cap on:
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Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
We are constantly being fed that “consistency breeds results”, but if the activities we are attempting to be consistent in do not align with who we say we are, we will consistently be met with failure. So, how do we self-check ourselves? And finally feel at home in our bodies, when met with the internal and external shifts during our perimenopausal (and beyond) stage of life?
Former professional athlete and founder of Element Sports Coaching, Tenille Hoogland, explores this in today’s podcast. Breaking through the idea that if we identify self with specific principles, that the output is predetermined by our existing beliefs and therefore does not allow for flexibility and expansion. Tenille proposes a simple question to help us stay grounded in integrity - what’s the point? And rewires our perspectives on what it means to be and act like an athlete in this stage of life. (PS- if you don’t think you are an athlete, listen to this episode).
Tenille is a well-filled vessel of personal and professional education; starting her career en-route to the Olympics as a synchronized swimmer, all while obtaining degrees in Psychology and Public Administration. This eventually landing her as a Senior Planner for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2005.
It was here she shifted her focus to triathlete, completing her first sprint triathlon and winning her age category, followed by her first Olympic triathlon winning first overall woman. Tenille says there was no going back after that and she dedicated herself to the sport. Continuing in her pursuit of triathlon, her interest into the science of athletics further bloomed; she obtained her INSCYD, nutrition (METS-1 Certified), Dr. Stacy Sims “Women Are Not Small Men” certifications, and continues the growth of knowledge to best serve her coaching community.
In 2013 Tenille retired from professional sport, but still plays a vital role in athletics, working as a Race Director for IRONMAN, and leading Age-Group Team Canada to World Championships for Triathlon Canada.
Very recently Tenille was recognized by the sport community as Triathlon Coach of the Year by the Outspoken Awards - which aim to acknowledge the monumental contribution of women in endurance sports. A passionate advocate for women's health and performance. She has arrived at what will now be her life's work.
Learn how you can work with Tenille and her team:
7 Day Challenge Registration (launches February 20th):
Join the Element Sports Coaching Facebook Group: - it’s so good!
Learn more about Tenille here:
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Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
What do chronic back pain, difficulties bending over and picking up your children, downward pressure, urgent need to urinate or leaking urine when you sneeze or exercise have in common? They are all possible symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, and if any of these widen your eye lids then you need to tap into this episode with Jen Lormand and Christina Walsh of Tighten Your Tinkler.
In this episode we talk serious pelvic floor business, bust some myths, share preventions, healing methodologies (aka the Signature Tighten Your Tinkler Method) and have a few light-hearted laughs. These gals are out to change the conversation and provide you a non-invasive simple solution for change.
You will walk away from this episode having shed confusion around what may be causing your issues post-baby or preventative reminders pre-baby, finding an opening to intentionally discuss your issues with your spouse or doctor, and a possible solution to your Pelvic Floor Dysfunction!
Jen Lormand is an Exercise Physiologist, author and mom of 3 living and thriving with Stage 2 Prolapse. Christina Walsh is a Physical Therapist specializing in Integrative Manual Therapy and mom of 2 living with Rectocele. With a combined 36 years of professional, and personal experience, they are helping women jump for joy without peeing their pants, ditch the back pain and have better .
Jen and Christina are published medical researchers in the Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, where they proved women can heal without kegels or any insertion tools. They have appeared on CBS news and spoken to many women’s groups and podcast audiences to discuss their mission in helping all women restore their dignity and finally feel confident in their own bodies again.
Jen and Christina are so welcoming and eager to help with their signature program, that has changed 1000’s of women’s lives. They share countless free tips and information on their YouTube and Instagram channels, along with their weekly uplifting emails, you constantly feel supported in your journey to heal.
Disclaimer: This show is for educational purposes only. Remember to always consult YOUR healthcare provider for what is best, and advocate for yourself with the information taken from this or any episode.
Tighten Your Tinkler Signature Method: Take $50 off with CODE: ATBW
Tighten Your Tinkler Quiz:
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Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Once upon a time we were confident young kids who loved our bodies. Or maybe didn’t think twice about how they looked because we were too busy just being kids and enjoying life? Then somewhere along the way, some person said something unsavory that left you questioning every new hair, freckle or dimple of cellulite. It could be that over the years you were unconsciously influenced by genetic-lottery winning bodies, glorified in media. Or you watched as your mothers or female relatives worked tirelessly to keep away the grays, add a sun-kiss glow to their skin, and fight off those exhausting 5-10 pounds.
Whether you are confident or struggling, each one of us has been exposed to comments, comparison or subliminal messaging from our environment that we should look a certain type of way. Unable to turn back the clock, these influences can begin to manifest themselves in how we talk to and perceive ourselves as we age.
In this solocast, Kristina shares a few personal encounters of her own that started as early as middle school and how this has effected her over time. How taking a pause during a regular night time routine encouraged the idea for daily appreciation and today's episode. More over, motivating you to be kinder and supportive to your hard-working vessel, leaving you with words to speak out into the world so that you can remember you are beautiful and necessary. ---
Foot Release with Lacrosse Ball:
100 Days to Believing Bigger by Marshawn Evans Daniels
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
You’ve had this goal, this dream, this inescapable feeling to create something or do something that will leave an impactful legacy at home, in the community or in the world, for a long, long time. It’s tugging so hard at your heart strings that if you do not do it, you may implode!
However, you keep getting set back, encountering “fails”, you’re unsure of yourself and the process or even how to start. In today’s episode I am sharing a repeatable process honed originally from an internship way-way back in the day and refreshed through her time spent alongside very insightful, well-versed-in-strategy, coaches; some times we just need a reminder of what we already know.
While this episode may seem like it is speaking only to your business goals, this process is applicable to any type of goal (ie. Health) you are trying to reach or skillset you are seeking to develop. The process may look lighter or heavier depending on the activity you are pursuing but the process itself will get your gears going again.
At the end of this episode you should feel ready to: take aligning action, be flexible, have fun, and regain the confidence in your power to achieve.
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